Museum Designer-Designed Birdhouse


Alessandro Mendini

Axel Schultes

Richard Gluckman

Born in Dresden 17.11.1943Studium / studied in Berlin, 1963-69in Partnerschaft mit / founded the office of Bangert, Jansen, Scholz (BJSS) seit / in 1972 eigenes Buro mit / starts up on his own with Charlotte Frank und Christoph Witt seit Januar / at the beginning of 1992

Odile Decq

We have something text in this case, it is not for an explanation, but it is a fairy tale, the story. As a title, this is the overall title "How the first bird was born". The very first there are no birds on the earth, which is the story about mother earth, father sky, and they think about there is something that can be a messenger between the two of us. So this is the weak egg it's a little bit like dinosaur's egg. And it was meant to be, when I was first thinking about the birdhouse, I thought about not building, any house or mess that it could be rented by human being, for what the birds for themselves. I thought about the egg as the origin of the bird. And then I thought about the question of to give shelter, it's meaning of all of this. And then I thought, it is not only shelter and that in a way an egg is the shelter for the unborn, and it's getting destroyed when the bird is born. So I started, maybe started from the egg that is somewhere hanging in a rest of the tree. In the way fish eggs, you know these eggs from these big fish, of from sharks like that. I thought about something, this is the conception of the egg. This is something what I lots thinking in between and it goes on to kind of architecture that does walking with own long legs. But most of all I was concerned this kind of egg. The egg that is part of the tree, and then thought of the mixture of nature and human things, human action, so this egg could be a part of human made thing most. But we were not satisfied with the thing so. One was I was really interested in something got comes out of the earth, in between have you thought maybe this could be egg that is the bird too. So these are the tree egg, and the egg of the tree. So we were thinking about this very long. And this is the thing that should be here, it should be broken somewhere when these birds getting out, this was almost done. We have these legs, they are up there, balcony. So it could be easily done. We could go, this could be ready. So but then I thought about something else. I thought that what is not so much overall creature that is the birdhouse, in a way shelter for birds that was once in an egg. But we were going along to something that. I thought why not then going in to a much more archetypal. So, not to have the birdhouse that is just for a bird, but to have the birth house for the first bird. So we invented the story about that this is our overall environment, let's say it's a in the very childish way.
Questions for Mr. Schuletes
What is your dream when your childhood?

It was very sad and dangerous dreams. I dreamt to get eaten by some monsters, I dreamt but I was fleeing some staircases up. At the end, I was eaten up. So I dreamt about exciety. So I can't imagine any nice dreams. Some people dream flying over the landscapes, dream in beautiful colors, but I can't remember.
Who was your hero when you were child?
Help me, what was yours?

Opinion about the environmental situation now For me, one of the worst things I can say read or see in television, there are the documentary about destroying theforest. And for me, it is even more awful to look at that, as if comes to, let's say cruelty between human beings. I only think human being knows what they are doing. And of course, there are incredible atrocities and sacrifices that when I see the destruction of big rain forest trees, all these chainsaws cut into the fresh of the tree, when specially cruel, all these trees such a roots sticking up, so these roots are killed and then whole things going down. And if this is done not by the people who lives in these woods or forests, but it is done by industry. When it is done to get paper for enormous global waste of look at the pages, sorry I say that, there is the habit in Japan to have these two sticks to eat, and they throw away. And you can read about the destruction of the islands in Philippines or somewhere just to get these two sticks, and throw that away after one meal. All these stuffs, for me killing of these wonderful plants like trees, big trees especially, destruction of rain wood forest, that's for me when you think when you take this road ride on that. But for me, it is just that. It's not the story arden's blood. I can't say ok one thousand years it's all are done, if you are ever be able to get back these wonderful green zone, most precious earth can provide, and waters sea is getting empty too, with all these destruction of wild animal and wild fish, and then now it is be cate for fish put all these fish can survive. This destruction that is something really works me on. So maybe this is behind thinking of mother earth getting so tired of these creatures, I mean, these rats of two legs.
How the museum should get involved in the society?
For me, even if I build one, so much about the museum building some competition work, if the museum has to take care to preserve what is the most valuable of our common heritage, then it is something to remind us, and to encourage us, with works that are so beautifully done, that there is the reminder that maybe some of us can do something of this quality again. So it is kind of encouraging. But this can only happen if the works displayed of masterworks. So when I visited Egyptian museum in Cairo, and I look at, not saying Tutankahamen, but I would say maybe this choke stone, sculpture of king yoza of the dynasty, which is something so beautifully done. And you can have some into the architecture out of this time, the first time culture ever. So this is really giving you an impression, how valuable human beings where wants, when there are not counted by billions. When it comes to modern museum where there are built all over the world now. And you enter, you are not encouraged anymore. You see some art facts, and you can say OK, well. It is matter of market, it is matter of merchandising, it is matter of inventing brands, it's something that is as our overall works, it is play to profit making. So, the museum is just vessel or something in. If it is something precious inside, it is some of the most valuable encouraging inventions on earth, but if nobody really care us, how something is done just putting some color on the canvas, and other people declare of masterwork, the museum is just pitiful thing and completely supersede.
What make you decided to be an architect?
In last school year, I was unsure if I would study to be an astrologist or an architect. And I think back now when you ask me that, I can imagine that those have to do with space. One is outer space, so this is a universe. And with these people are able to look in the telescope, when you see these strange galaxies, see these fogs of millions of millions of light years away, even and the architect tiny world compared, narrow world, the space we can do for ourselves. When I was quit unsure about that what to study, and I was eighteen or nineteen, just before study that I want to have a proof what to do. So I went to Greece and looked at all these temples and all these masterworks, architectural art, in a way, I was absolutely disappointed. There is no space. It is just architectural sculpture and marvelously done. What it comes to proportion, when it comes to have a look detail, etc, but I was disappointed because there is no space. To be an architect, only to create space that I was lucky just not by circumstance but it was decided to go to Isutanbul then after two around Attika, Peloponeesos. When I first enter Aja sofia in Istanbul that was something so entirely overwhelming in the way space was waiting some people soul and most marvelous thing about those spaces is suggestive, specialty most marvelous thing about that is you don't have to be specialist, you don't have to be professional, you look at piece of art, and mostly you have to know much more about it to see what that is. That space is something that is so directly working its way to you, by hearing seeing with your ears hearing with your eyes, and all the way, you can see space, you feel it. You don't have to be, you can be very un-literate. Human being we have same pleasure in receiving this gift of space as if you were trained architect. This is one of the really outstanding quality of the architecture, it is an architecture of space, an architecture of style, an architecture of material, an architecture of structure, an architecture of form if it really concern of space, then you can be something. The only thing we get in such a way, the only thing we built in such a way, it's not temple here working on it it is comittly in this is space that what you can really be content to have built at least once in your lifetime. Space has a quality of liberation to feel secured, and to feel evaluated in the same time.Please send a message to the world's children. Not to be discouraged by the state of these in now. Those are saying, I don't know if it is from no maybe not from doctrine, I remember something that impress me most "god bless child who got its own". And even children has to gain such a poet that they can develop self consciousness, and to be sure of their abilities, they are able to create in every field, no matter if it is art, science or something. But to create, or to keep away where they came their thought, own dream. Not to care about someone who want to make them a doll to be the other dream, so to be one's own, of course. Two thousand years ago, Greek philosopher said it just the same way.


Axel Schultes

Will Alsop

Cesare Maria Casati